Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blood splatter activity (:

Blood splatter 1

Blood splatter 2

Blood splatter 3

Blood splatter 4

Blood Splatter Pattern from a Laboratory Experiment by Mr Leong TK & Chua HL

1. What is shape of blood splatter?
The blood splatter is round.

2. Describe any other characteristic of the splatter.
The blood splatter is concentrated at one point (making the spot darker when dried) and at the sides there may be little blots (as seen distinctly in blood splatter 1). It does not have a smooth edge, but rather it is jagged at the sides.

3. What are the factors that affect the shape of the blood splatter? Name as many as possible.
- Angle of elevation
- Force
- Distance between the spot it lands on and the origin
- ???

4. Generate some hypotheses from the blood splatter patterns observed above.
- The higher the angle of elevation, the longer the blood splatter
- The higher the angle of elevation, the narrower the blood splatter
- The further the origin of the blood splatter, the wider the diameter of the blood splatter

Results from the activity Jesslyn and I did (:

*Instead of doing labeling the blood splatters as "A10" etc, we labelled the actual height, like the lab experiment in the above picture. Also, I did the tables in a way that I found more comprehensive, but I also did the one according to the requirements at the top.

Also, here are the graphs:

Update 06.08.11, Saturday:

Jesslyn, Jolene, Jubily and Natalie K.'s blood splatter :D (from

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the plotting of graphs and tabulation. All it needs now is the conclusion. What have you conclude from the data?
